Why Colorado Is One of the Top Places to Hunt in America

There are many great spots to hunt in America. Whether you live on the east coast or the west coast, there are always spots to go that are full of game, land, and opportunity, but none are as good as Colorado. Yeah, yeah, we know – we might be biased, since we’re based in Colorado and love everything about this beautiful state, but the stats hold up when it comes to hunting. Just look at this recent article from the Craig Daily Press.

Lauren Blair writes, “Sportsmen in the United States have a lot of choices about where to hunt, but with 23 million acres of public lands and the largest elk herds in North America, Colorado has much to offer.”

23 million acres of public lands? That is an enormous amount. Imagine 23 million football fields put together – and you might get an idea of just how much land there is to hunt on in Colorado. Having that much land allows hunters space and the time to get the game they really want. With so much land, there’s not a lot of competition for certain areas, so if you have a preference for an area, you can lay claim to it, almost like the settlers did when they first arrived on American shores.

Not just that though – that much land allows for hunters of all skill level to have a piece of the pie or as Mike Porras, public information officer for Colorado Parks & Wildlife Northwest region, puts it: “If you can come to Colorado and hunt on public lands, there’s more opportunity here. One of the things that’s great about our state is that we offer over-the-counter bull elk licenses. No other state in the country does that.”

You really can’t beat that! If you’re planning on a hunting trip in Colorado and looking for a supplier, contact us today!