Trip Planning for Deer and Elk Hunting in Colorado

All hunters have their own ideas of how they expect their hunt to evolve.   As the Outfitter, our goal is to provide our clients with a great experience.     We like to provide a forest visitor satisfaction. Communication between the Outfitter and our clients is essential.

FYI, remember that our permitted area and camps are at a higher altitude. The Base Camp is located at 8500′. The actual hunt may go lower in elevation or go up to tree line, which can be above 9500 – 10,000′.    

Before you arrive, prepare yourself by drinking up to a gallon of water in a 24  hour period. Increase your walking and hiking regime. Being healthier will benefit your abilities and total hunting experience. Even though the mode of transportation is by horseback, your guide will have you on the ground hiking and stalking for optimum shooting and harvesting of your game.